“(RED) SIGNAL AHEAD” Advance Traffic Light Warning Road Sign
“(RED) SIGNAL AHEAD” advance warning signs warn road users of upcoming traffic lights and also indicate when the light is about to turn red—enabling users of the road to prepare to stop their vehicles.
“(RED) SIGNAL AHEAD” LED signs improve safety near intersections by providing clear indications to users of the road.
At rest, only the message “SIGNAL AHEAD” is lit, simply to indicate the presence of traffic lights. When the lights are about to turn red, the message “RED SIGNAL AHEAD” is lit to warn users of the road. The word “RED” is not visible when it is not lit.
These road signs are the most readable on the market because they are built with high-quality components such as LEDs specially designed for road traffic and a unique constant current modular power system that eliminates flickering. The message can be read from a distance of 150 metres (500 feet).
Orange Traffic’s advance traffic light warning signs also enable energy cost savings because they consume up to 90% less electricity than conventional fibre optic panels. Furthermore, their components are designed to facilitate installation, maintenance and upgrading and therefore lower operating costs.
The wiring may be installed right in the sign or consolidated with other power supplies in a more accessible area to minimize traffic disturbances during maintenance operations.
The back of the sign is made of a yellow type-III high-intensity prismatic reflective sheet. The lit message’s display colour varies according to territorial requirements. Finally, the LEDs of the “SIGNAL AHEAD” message are mounted on a black background to ensure they remain visible during power outages.
Functional characteristics
- Each light point is comprised of 4 LEDs that can be replaced in just a few seconds
- Transparent polycarbonate front face
- Independently powered and controlled messages. The power modules are compatible with all Orange Traffic LED display panels and can be replaced while powered
- The front panel assembly, as well as the main components, can be replaced using just a flat screwdriver, which facilitates upgrading and maintenance operations
- Fully compatible with:
- Standard traffic signal conflict monitors (NEMA and 170)
- Earlier versions of Orange Traffic lane control panels (reverse compatibility)
- Dry contact for the confirmation or display control alarm of each message and for interlocking two contiguous messages without additional material
- 6 mm (1/4″) thick UV-resistant front lens for longer LED life
Technical characteristics
- Waterproof aluminium enclosure that meets NEMA requirements for type 4 enclosures
- Compliance with Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) requirements applying to LED road signs
- Exterior dimensions: 1,320 x 1,320 mm (52 x 52″)
- Depth: 200 mm (8″)
- Power supply voltage: 90–135 VAC, 60 Hz
- Maximum power: 40 W; nominal power: 30 W
- Power factor > 90%
- Compliance with operating temperature criteria of NEMA TS2 standard (-34 to +74°C [-30 to +165°F])
- LEDs of stable brightness and chromaticity over the entire power and temperature ranges
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