ATC 352 Cabinet
The genius of Orange Traffic ATC modules, packaged in the well-established ‘’Housing 1B’’ from Caltrans TEES, to form our vision of the 352 ATC cabinets, fully compliant and compatible with the latest ATC cabinet standard and controllers.
This 352 ATC cabinets series is expertly engineered to blend the best elements of rack mount and serial-based architectures, making them ideal for managing modern LED-lit intersections. These units use advanced, compact components to enable superior control, eliminating the need for complicated wiring or the addition of a secondary cabinet.
These cabinets incorporate ultra-compact assembly modules, allowing ample capacity for additional ITS equipment, such as uninterrupted power supplies (UPS), detection or monitoring systems, and telecommunications gear. They are customizable, offering configurations of 16 or 32 output channels, and can be enhanced with practical options like rack-mounted shelves and drawers. This flexibility and added capacity make them an ideal choice for evolving urban traffic systems.
Our ATC Cabinets are tailored to fulfill the current requirements of smart cities and are fully equipped to handle the upcoming demands of connected and autonomous vehicle technologies.
- 16 output channel rack (8 double channel cards) and terminal panel, and up to 32 output channels (all programmable)
- 24 input channel rack (12 double channel cards) and terminal panel, and up to 120 input channels (Vehicle, Pedestrian, TSP / Preemption)
- Surge protected field inputs and outputs
- Voltage and current monitoring for effective detection of faulty lights
- Monitoring of the flasher unit(s) to avoid a dark approach
- Modular assemblies for easy maintenance
- Functional flashing intersection during major maintenance (by keeping only 2 sub-assemblies energized)
- True compatibility with LED lights, capable of driving ultra-low current
- Standard Flasher Programming Blocks (FPBs) to select the color (red, yellow, or dark) during flash mode
- Additional non-standard Flasher Programming Blocs for Wig-Wag channel selection
- Contemporary interior LED lighting
- Manual control access door (for police officers)
- Cabinet monitor unit (CMU), EDI CMUip-2212-HV
- CMU Auxiliary Display Unit (ADU), EDI ADU-2220
- 2 (up to 7) Serial Interface Units (SIU), EDI SIU-2218
- 8 (up to 16) High Density Switch Packs (HDSP/HDFU), EDI 2202-HV
- 1 (up to 2) High Density Flasher Unit (HDSP/HDFU), EDI 2202-HV
- 1 Plug-in power supply card (PS), EDI PS-2217
- 8 DPDT High Density Flash Transfer Relays (HDFTR), Struthers-Dunn 21XBXHL-48VDC
- Hybrid Main Contactor (MC), Struthers-Dunn 428AXXL-48VDC
- Field input and output surge protectors, Hesco
- Main entrance surge protector and filter, Hesco
- All necessary ATC cabinet modules and sub-assemblies
Optional equipment:
- Rack mounted Power Supply (PS), EDI PS-2216
- Rack mounted power bar
- ATC Traffic Controller Unit (CU), Oriux ATC-2000
- Complete UPS system (UPS, SATS [PTS], battery bank), equipment from MultiLink
- Ventilation system (2 fans, 1 filter, 1 thermostat, fused circuits)
- 1 weatherproof document poach
Optional accessories:
- Heater system
- Mounting accessories for additional equipment or maintenance, such as rails, blank recessed rack mounted panel, shelves and drawers
- Enclosure shape, features and dimensions according to Caltrans TEES Housing 1B
- Enclosure overall dimensions: 67’’ H x 24’’ W x 30’’ D
- 1 front door, 1 back door, both full size
- Base mount configuration
- 3-point Corbin type door lock
- Dual position sliding door rods, and upper open door locking rods
- Police panel compartment
- 2 removable lifting ears
- NEMA 3R enclosure type
- 5052-H32 aluminum, 0.125” thick
- Natural, anodized, or powder coated (Gray Traffic, Federal Gray or custom color) with optional anti-graffiti wrap
- Black powder coated steel 19’’ rack cage, 30 RU on both sides
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