Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (SA-328)
To increase safety of pedestrian when crossing the roads, the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon is a great affordable solution. It is durable and efficient to increase driver’s awarenesses of the most vulnerable road users.
Human interface: Installers will easily make all configurations through TC Connect™, a WiFi connection platform developed by TraffiCalm that requires NO Internet Connection! With any browser enabled device, the Installer can easily log in and select from multiple options and settings including Flash Duration, LED Brightness and Dimming Control. The available Traffic Data can also be retrieved.
Durability and Reliability: Roadside signage and the like, attract all forms of vandalism. Through our multi-string LED Configuration design and permanently sealed electronics, the SA328 will maintain MUTCD standards for brightness even if 1 or 2 vertical LED strings are damaged through vandalism.
Power source: Each system relies on either solar power or an available AC option.
P2C Controller and Collaborators:
- Permanently and Environmentally Sealed Electronics
- Compact and lightweight aluminum enclosure
- Weight: 12 lbs including battery
- Mounted behind solar panels
- 20W Solar Panel with 60W available upgrade
- MPPT Solar Collection
- MUTCD and FHWA Compliant
- Standard 20 vertical groups of (4) Amber LEDs for Redundancy and Uniform Light Distribution
- Side-mounted LEDs for a side visual confirmation
- Exceeds SAE J595 Class 1 Intensity
- Meets SAE J578 for chromaticity
- Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery (SaFeP04) Safer and more Stable that standard Lithium Ion Battery (Li0n)
- Designed for 20 year battery life
- Lighter weight for ease of handling
Human Interface:
- WiFi Connectivity – No Internet Connection required
- Configurable Flash Duration
- Automatic Unique Channel Selection
- Wirelessly configures all devices on network
- Traffic Data Recording / Reporting
RRFB Physical Construction:
- Each of the 80 LEDs have built-in 15 degree UV resistant lens
- Mounting brackets provide for back-to-back mounting
- Horizontal aiming adjustment
- Dimensions: 24”W x 4.183”H x .85”D
- Rated for 800, 30 second activations per day with 2 hours sunlight for continuous operation
- 10Ah LiFeP04 Battery provides ~5.5 days of 800, 30 second activations without solar panel.
- Wireless activation within 125 mS
- Wireless range of 2000’

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