Guardian Mini Pedestrian Push Button
A full APS solution in a compact package, the Guardian Mini provides important cues to assist all pedestrians to cross the intersection safely by providing audible, tactile, and visual indications at the crosswalk. Ready to install out of the box, the Guardian Mini utilizes existing mounting holes from an ADA button and a four conductor cable to connect to the Signal Power Interface (SPI) in the pedestrian signal head.
Pedestrians are finding it more challenging to cross safely at signalized intersections. The Guardian Mini provides important cues to assist all pedestrians to cross the intersection safely by providing audible, tactile, and visual indications at the crosswalk. A locator tone tells a pedestrian that the crossing is equipped with APS and where it can be found. The acknowledgement tone and visual LED indication accompany a pedestrian call. An extended press provides specific intersection information and access to additional functions. The walk tone or message is accompanied by a vibro-tactile indication during the visual walk display. Optional clearance phase indications may provide additional information to the pedestrian where appropriate. Includes Ambient Gain Control (AGC).
Key Benefits & Features
- Independent Locations
- 4-wire Interface
- Configuration Templates
- Event Tracking Log
- USB Interface
- Simple Menu Utility
- NEMA TS 2 Certified
- Meets MUTCD Guidelines
- Ped Count / Call data
- 1:1 Ped Display to AGPS
- No devices in cabinet
- Simple & easy install
- Data Collection
- Night Mode Volume
- Sound Directionality
- Station Angle Adjust
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